Our Vision


Our projected goal for opening the permanent location for A Center for Being is 2025.

We are currently in the research phase: Who are potential collaborators/allies/partnering organizations? What already exists in the world that is similar? Who are artist and teacher collaborators? Who is on our advisory board? What will our business structure be? And of course, how will this be funded?

Most meditation centers and meditation classes are offered at structured times and are ensconced in particular disciplines/lineages. A Center for Being is different in that it offers open door times for people to come and sit in silence, much like a church, but without religious iconography, historical past, or visual origins. Instead, visitors are offered an open and free aesthetically curated environment designed for their rest and wonder. Daily operating hours are hosted by rotating community members from various faiths; the main hall retains a rich multilayered trace of diverse contemplative traditions. World-renowned teachers offer talks and intensives in this urban mecca for all.

 Artists are commissioned to create long-term installations that specifically support inquiry and present moment awareness. Immersive site-responsive installations and sensory engagement stations allow for people to interact in relational ways with objects and phenomena that are aimed to cultivate awareness through the body (touch, vision, hearing, smell, and taste). Artists projects are well-funded and lodging is awarded as needed. We prioritize showing female artists, trans artists, and artists of color.

 In addition to providing open hours for silent sitting and experiencing art installations, monthly programming includes:

-      Multi-day urban retreats with spiritual teachers such as Jeannie Zandi, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, Richard Rohr, Martin Laird, Krishna Das

-      Evening talks and weekend workshops with Bay Area teachers & leaders 

-      Scheduled meeting times for local sanghas & community groups

-      Hands on visual, movement, and sound based workshop opportunities 

-      Live Art events featuring sound art and dance performances

-      Space rentals for large scale events in line with our mission-statement

-      A dedicated residency program for artists engaged in the intersection of art & spirit, or who have a deeply contemplative, meditative process.

-      Permanent art collection of artists engaged with deep introspection, meditative practices, exploration of spirit, natural phenomena.